St Peter's Girls' School Business Directory

Add your business to u-direct and start benefiting today!

Easy Steps to Creating Your Listing

  1. Select the right listing type for you
  2. Register your account
  3. Create your listing
  4. Preview your listing
  5. Agree to the Terms & Conditions
  6. Pay for your listing using our secure payment gateway

Your listing will be immediately sent to an administrator for review. If approved it will appear in the u-direct directory within two (2) working days.

Terms & Renewal

All listings are for a 12 month period. You'll be notified before your listing expires if you wish to renew for another 12 months. You can also upgrade at any time to obtain new features for your listing.


Advertisers can change their listing at any time via our secure login. This allows you to customise your offering based on season, special events, new product or service releases - the flexibility is all yours to target your listing to drive sales and keep your offering current.

A one line Saints listing is better than no listing
Free / year

Every business connected to our St Peter's Girls' Community should be listed here - please refer and spread the word! After all it's FREE and time is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Saints On Display
$250.00 / year

This option features your logo, allows up to four lines of copy, includes a bold heading, a website and email link.

$500.00 / year

This is the ONE YOU WANT!!! This option allows for a customised display ad and includes a link to ‘read more’ which allows for an individual page with four thumbnail images, 1000 words and automatically generates a google map based on address details provided.